Sunday 13 April 2014

Zitten - Whale

I’m sooo in love with Full Sun a.k.a Beyond the Clouds sekarang. Jalan cerita nyer boleh diagak tapi perasaan & mood setiap kali watak hero & heroin berjumpa adalah sesuatu yang susah digambarkan… sweet & lovely walaupun dalam kesedihan. Sangat berkesan watak Yoon Kye Sang & Han Ji Hye. Love you both!

And I’m sooooooooooo in love with the OST! Whale by Zitten… sangat2 sesuai dengan drama ni hokey? Best2….

Zitten – Whale

On days when my heart can’t contain myself
When it takes me to deeper places
With a beautiful image that once made me cry
You come to me in my dreams tonight

What do you want to me to say now?
What kind of heart are you expecting?
Even if you’re grown faint to me now
There is a path that I need to take
You are nothing
Your back is disappearing from me now

When nighttime falls on the floor of the ocean
The deep water pressure presses down on me
With names you used to call me in the past memories
You come to me in my dreams tonight


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