Monday 9 July 2012

Hari ini dan selamanya :P

Cam poyo je title blog arini. Aku malas nak meng-update blog semalam. Ape idaknya full of presentation until 4pm. Barulah aku leh concentrate ngan keje arini.

Well, weekend sangat bosan. We plan to sleep overnight at my mom's house, unfortunately, Yamin keep asking to go back home. Bukan jauh pun rumah kitorg, tapi bengang okeh? Last sekali kitorg tido umah mak is about 4 months ago. Benci tol! Yamin memang....kalau kat umah opah dia, laju je ko nak tido eh?

Sunday lagi bosan. I tak keluar rumah for hours, tak heran. I finished one whole book of novel and sleeping like one full day. There goes my boring weekend.

Aku plan nak puasa harini. Tak sahur pun, tido & terlajak. So, yg penting aku bersabar je. hehe...

*Note : malas nak update blog :(

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