Monday, 2 July 2012

5 Tips for Dad

I have read good article about parenting this morning - haha ~ yes, I'm still playing around. This article taken from :

Many fathers assume discipline means yelling, threatening or spanking children when their behavior is unacceptable. However, discipline can be interpreted in many ways and dealt with differently among different fathers.

The first thing to know about discipline is the two ways it can be interpreted. Some men may be confusing discipline - which means
loving guidance and teaching - with punishment. Punishment is punitive and harsh.

With that being said, building a trusting relationship with a child is key to proper discipline. Here are five tips fathers can use to discipline a child, while also building a strong father-child bond:

1. Be firm, kind and respectful in setting boundaries.

2. Try to say yes, more often than no. "Yes, you may have a cookie ... right after dinner."

3. Use logical consequences to correct inappropriate behavior. "If you leave your bike outside on the sidewalk once more, we will put it in the garage for a week." And then do it.

4. Be a role model for integrity. Your child will learn much more from what you do, rather than from what you say.

5. Hold family meetings to allow everyone to share ideas and suggestions, on how to make the family connect more closely and the house run smoothly. Make these meetings a priority and make them a joyful time, not a time of correction or conflict.

Be a role model. Being an effective and loving Dad is one of the highest honors a man can have. When you build those strong connections and trust with your child, you will have gained a legacy that you can both be proud of.

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